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Ocean County Government
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Sheriff's Office

Basic Telecommunicator Course & Emergency Medical Dispatch Course
September 29th thru October 24, 2024

Class time:
1800hrs -2200hrs (6PM TO 10PM)
Sundays to Thursdays (Fri-Sat off)

Ocean County Office of Emergency Management
5014 Mule Rd, Berkeley Township, NJ, 08721

Fee: $125.00 (Refunded if hired by our office)

Attire: Business Casual

Basic Telecommunicator Course is a 40-hour course that is required of all call
takers. Telecommunicators will be instructed on the basic information required
to dispatch calls for law enforcement, fire and EMS services.

Emergency Medical Dispatch Course & CPR Certification is a state approved
certification course that will enable the student to properly answer, prioritize
and dispatch calls for medical aid, and to provide instructions for preliminary
emergency medical care prior to arrival of emergency medical personnel. This
class will include practical exercises and demonstrations.

Materials supplied the first night of class. Class space is limited to 30 *Closing
date is September 26, 2024 or when class is full.

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