Admin - PS Cadets 
What are Public Safety Cadets?The Ocean County Sheriff’s Public Safety Cadet Unit #1 is a career-oriented program that gives young adults the opportunity to explore a career in Law Enforcement by working with Local Law Enforcement agencies. The program is generally available to qualified young adults who are between the ages of 14 and 21. Cadets participate in various Activities like Community Service Projects, Various training with Law Enforcement Officers and Compete in Regional and National Law Enforcement Competitions. Training & Special Events- Motor Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
- Domestic Violence & Crisis Negotiations
- Burglary in Progress
- Crime Scene Investigations
- Defensive Tactics & Handcuffing
- Firearms and Weapons Training
- Drill Team & Honor Guard
- County and Local Fairs and Festivals
- State & National Competitions
- Leadership Academies
Giving Back to Our Community… "TECH Talk”By utilizing the extensive technical knowledge of our generation of cadets, our goal is to assist the older adults within our communities so they may CONFIDENTLY and SAFELY, utilize their electronic devices, and ever changing social media applications. To become a part of the Ocean County Sheriff’s, Public Safety Cadet Unit #1 contact Detective Christine Farrell at National Public Safety Cadets