OCEAN COUNTY 2025 MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL ALL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN The Ocean County Sheriff’s Office, Office of Emergency Management is updating its 2018 Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP), which expires in 2025. This HMP is required by state and federal agencies in order for communities in Ocean County to be eligible for certain types of state and federal disaster relief funds after a disaster occurs. This website will be used throughout the planning process to post information, collect comments, announce meetings, and to post draft plan documents.
HAZARD MITIGATIONThe term "Hazard Mitigation" describes actions that can help reduce or eliminate long-term risks caused by hazards, or disaster, such as floods, hurricanes, wildfires, landslides, tornadoes, earthquakes, dam failures, or terrorism. Hazard mitigation focuses on long-term strategies that help governments and citizens find ways to reduce hazard risks and disaster-related costs to communities. Efforts made to reduce hazard risks should be compatible with other community goals; mitigation is most effective when it is a part of the larger responsibility of the government, individuals, private businesses, institutions, and non-profits. As communities plan for new development and improvements to existing infrastructure, mitigation can and should be an important component of the planning effort.
While mitigation activities can and should be taken before a disaster occurs, after a disaster, hazard mitigation is essential. Oftentimes after disasters, repairs and reconstruction are completed in such a way as to simply restore damaged property to pre-disaster conditions. These efforts may “get things back to normal,” but the replication of pre-disaster conditions may result in a repetitive cycle of damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage. Hazard mitigation breaks this repetitive cycle by producing less vulnerable conditions through post-disaster repairs and reconstruction. The implementation of such hazard mitigation actions leads to building stronger, safer and smarter communities that are better able to reduce future injuries and future damage.
When the same kind of disaster occurs in the same place, like flooding along the coast, it can cause repeated damage and require repeated reconstruction. This constant reconstruction becomes more expensive over time. Hazard mitigation breaks this expensive cycle of recurrent damage and increasing reconstruction costs by taking a long-term view of rebuilding and recovering following disasters - hazard mitigation builds a safer community from the beginning.
2018 All Hazard Mitigation PlanView information regarding the 2018 plan